Render me numb

Title: Render me numb
Direction: Lander Ibarretxe
Genre: Videoclip
Running time: 4,12 min
Status: Finished
Location: Barcelona
Language: English


Render Me Numb is a project which is created to generate debate around the consumption of violence broadcasted on TV. The videoclip encourages us to reflect upon everyday situations such as eating or watching TV. We used a dinning-room to highlight the invisible and normalized nature of violence in our society.
Starring: Aleix Llusà
Produced and Directed: Lander Ibarretxe
Assistant Director: Leonard Muchnick
Director of Fotography: Jorge Basterretxea
Lightning Tech: Jose Alemany
Set: Andoni Zamora & Alex Solé
Atrezzo: Miren Bayona, Ainize Santos
Projectionist: David González
Edition: Lander Ibarretxe & Néstor Ares