Searching / Nordakas

Title: Searching
Direction: Aitor Sánchez Smith
Genre: Videoclip
Running time: 5:20 min
Country: Alemania
Location: Heidelberg
Language: Nepali


‘Searching for the way’ is a project with roots in Barcelona (where our company is based) and Heidelberg, home to the band NORDAKAS. The band’s member hail from all over the world, including countries such as Cuba, the Ivory Coast, the United States, Argentina, Spain and Germany, but they all share the same history: immigration to Germany due to an economic or political crisis in their countries of origin.

In response to the recent worldwide refugee crisis and the failure of most European countries to take humanitarian action, Nordakas wrote the song “Searching for the way”. This is a very special project, honoured by contributions from various artists and people of diverse religions and origins, as well as actual refugees now living in Germany.

DIRECTION: Aitor Sánchez Smith
Photography Director: Lander Ibarretxe
Executive Production: Lucas Barcena
Production: Christopher Vallefín, Aitor Sanchez
Production Assistants: Dani Torres López, Nik Woschek
Edition: Aitor Sánchez, Lander Ibarretxe
Main Camera: Lander ibarretxe
Second Camera: Cristopher Vallefin and Philip Menem
Main Characters: Cristina Nan Lalo Martinez, Silvana Buchwald Naid Language: Nepali
Location: Heidelberg